Meet Taiba Anwer, From Zero to Hero Journey as a Solo Freelancer

By WriitingForu

Updated on:

1. Who Is Taiba Anwer and What Does She Do?

My name is Taiba Anwer from Karachi, Pakistan. I’m a LinkedIn Expert, a 3X Digital Writer at LinkedIn, i helped thousands of Businesses to grow by writing Content that sells.

I’m a Expert Digital Writer providing you with top-notch services. With 1+ years of content writing services, I have been writing almost on a weekly basis. The only unfiltered LinkedIn ghostwriter at your service.

2. How Did Taiba Anwer Start Freelancing & Succeed?

Before you read my “entrepreneurial journey, I want to tell you that I consider “success” as finding fulfillment and achieving financial freedom. At this stage, I find myself far from success because I still have significant milestones to achieve before I turn 30.

For example, opening a pet house to provide shelter to stray animals (cats, dogs, donkeys, cows, birds, and so on). I also want to own a small apartment near a beach and a nice red car. Since I am a girl, technical and model don’t matter. I just know that I want a red car. It’s my dream since I was 13!

You must be interested in learning my freelance success story. But today, I am gonna tell you how I started earning 0.6 per word as a content writer and charging 85 PKR per word as an independent freelance ghostwriter.


It all started when my well-wisher and pen-friend Asad told me to do content writing. I was naive and clueless at that time. So I searched it on YouTube and learned from Khalil Ullah Khan’s Yt channel.

Then, I started working on Upwork and posting my queries on LinkedIn. While networking, I realized that I am good at writing attractive, engaging content. People laugh, read, and enjoy my content. So I took a big and risky step.

Yes, you’re thinking precisely right. I left freelancing on Upwork and paused my profile, having 100% JSS.

Don’t worry, I don’t regret it. My clients are now 1000% satisfied. I can prove it!

Now comes the real burning questions that you’re ruminating. How much I earned? Where do I get clients? How do I charge? Where is my portfolio? I promise to uncover these unknown queries in my first paid video course. You must be excited, huh? No need to fret; it won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

Coming back to my enthralling freelance story, I started creating high-quality and valuable content on my LinkedIn. I was deeply inspired by Shreya Patter and wanted to close deals privately and independently like her. I also wanted to work with big tech companies and B2C agencies. So I became a sponge. I absorbed, learned, observed, procrastinated, and thought about B2C copywriting, LinkedIn ghostwriting, professional communication, prospecting, and negotiating.


I just followed this simple roadmap to earn my first six figures (in PKR tbh).

  1. Learn from highly authentic resources
  2. Follow professionals and their learnings blindly
  3. Invest in paid courses
  4. Read, read, read, and read.
  5. Read newsletters of Justin Welsh, Dickie Bush, Chase Diamond, Neil Patel, Saheli Chatterjee, and Nicolas Cole.
  6. Apply what you learn
  7. Build an asset network on LinkedIn ( I deleted 30+ dead followers and invitations daily)
  8. Be consistent and patient.
  9. Change or switch strategies if things don’t work
  10. Keep going for 6+ months (don’t tell anyone)
  11. Win
  12. Share

Now the inquiry on your mind must be this.

” She is telling some real balls and sharing some powerful knowledge but where and how did she done this so quickly?”

Lemme tell you one thing.

It took me three gnarly and dope years. Sometimes I was too excited and upbeat like a boss lady. I used to have a Nicki Minaj voice like hell ya bit* you can do this. And sometimes I became Taylor Swift like, “It’s me, Hi. I’m the problem. It’s me.”

You got this, right?

Nothing is ez pz lemon squeezy. Everything is challenging, arduous, and demanding. Put your honest efforts, quality time, and intelligent brain into becoming a thriving independent freelancer.

Taiba Anwer
The only unfiltered LinkedIn ghostwriter

A self-sufficient independent freelance writer who will rule everybody’s heart with kick-ass content, Taiba is having more then 11 LinkedIn Certificates, She is Studying Doctor of Physical Therapy

Taiba has Earned over $1000+ USD from their client’s.

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